Are you working on your best transformation yet or are you going through the motions and hoping for the best??
What you do in your day-to-day life becomes a habit. Whether we like to think it or not, your body likes a schedule, routine, predictability…
The problem comes when our bad habits start to dictate our lives in a negative way!
Let’s take a few minutes and dive into those habits!!
To start with you need to identify what bad habits you have before you can change them!
Do you spend countless hours on social media?
Do lead with your emotions that tend to lead to overspending or overeating?
Do you watch TV more than you go outside and get fresh air?
Do you snack when you are bored or when you are actually hungry?
Do you smoke or drink too much alcohol?
Do you make excuses for not working out?
Do you make sleep your last priority because you are trying to fit a million things in during the day??
Excessive speeding when driving
I am sure there are many more out there... and hey, I am just as guilty as the rest of having bad habits.
As mentioned before though, the first step is to identify your bad habits and realize why they are considered bad. If you do not think being on social media or scrolling through Tik-Tok for multiple hours in the day is a bad habit, then why would you change it.
Remember your "WHY" and the reason you are wanting to change and transform your lifestyle. We want to be healthy for ourselves, lead by example for others and hit our goals!! To start you must change your bad habits to good ones. Now this does not happen overnight.
I will tell you one of my worst habits has always been putting sleep last on my list of things. This is because I would try to fit in so many things throughout the day that I don't prioritize myself. Then I would wake up the next day exhausted and "go through the motions" of my workouts and day. This was not leading to a successful future.
I started using a PowerList to prioritize my day and prioritizing my sleep at night. I have noticed my days start off much better and I do not wake up nearly as exhausted. My workouts have improved, as well as my overall well-being.
If you want to make a true transformation it has to start with being honest with yourself. Are you just going through the motions or are you thinking about what you are doing and the outcome it is producing.
Are you making good habits that will increase the longevity of your life or making poor habits that will decrease the longevity of your life? Remember, what you do now your body will tell on you in the end.
If you are smoking and drinking excessively, your heart, lungs, other organs can and will be affected. If you are speeding consistently, you could get a speeding ticket causing your insurance to go up or possible wreck.
What about making it more of a habit to skip to gym or make excuses not to go to the gym, that does not improve the quality of your life in the long run. It also does not set good examples for the next generation.
Take the time to sit and think about your habits... good and bad. Are you proud of them or do they need adjusting? What you do now, day and out, will dictate your future. Make it the best you can!
